As a first step, create an informal WhatsApp group with a few feeders/caretakers. Agree to post only about issues related to the stray dogs residing in your colony. Agree on a balanced approach, addressing both human as well as dog sides. It is desired to invite one elected representative of your RWA on this group as an observer. Your first activity should be to carry out a census of your community dogs and create online dog profiles. The Stray Buddy website administrator will create your login account and provides guidance. It is pretty easy! You may contact for support.
This document provides guidance to Residents’ Welfare Associations (RWA) on how to establish an animal welfare committee to effectively manage their community dogs in such a way that it benefits residents’ welfare and at the same time ensures animal well-being. It was drafted by a high-level committee appointed by the Delhi High Court, with involvement of AWBI, Delhi Govt, MCD and with inputs from NGOs and other stakeholders. These directions can be followed voluntarily by RWAs to achieve harmonious coexistence in their area.

Every year in the festival season when the firecrackers start, community dogs start running helter-skelter in panic. They get lost and if they are lucky someone starts a hectic search on social media to find them. To avoid this stress COLLAR AND TAG your community dogs before the festive season. Write the name of the dog and your colony name on the tag. We created QR codes for each Stray Buddy community with a link to your photo gallery, so people can easily identify your lost & found dog online. Download your customised QR code below and add it to your tags.