If you find me injured or lost outside my area, please contact my caregiver (phone no. on collar) or send an email to info@straybuddy.in
Name: Simba (No longer living in H-block)
Saket H-Block
Dog's Unique ID: 278
Sterilised: Yes
Deworming: Due
Rabies Vaccination: Due
9-in-1 Vaccination: Due
Tick & Flea Treatment: Due
Basic Details
Gender: Female
Color & Features: Black with light brown face and front legs (simila
Birth Year: 2019
Area Name: Saket H-Block
Care Taker:
Medical Details
Rabies Vaccination
Last Given On Not Available Due Date Not Available
9-in-1 Vaccination
Last Given On Not Available Due Date Not Available
Quarterly Deworming
Last Given On Not Available Due Date Not Available
Tick & Flea Treatment
Last Given On Not Available Due Date Not Available
Vaccination Card Holder
Medical History
Other History
Simba was a super sweet but super nervous doggy. She couldn’t live peacefully on streets and was always anxious. She was treated improperly by people who didn’t understand her. She became a habitual biter and had to be moved to a shelter twice. The first time, she stayed there for 4 months following which her behaviour had improved. But not long before her anxiety returned and she began snapping again. She was so affectionate with those she trusted and would’ve made a wonderful pet, bur we couldn’t give her that opportunity. She had to be sent back to the shelter that she absolutely hated. One day, she escaped and we haven’t seen her since. It’s a heart-breaking story and she deserved so much more. We hope she finds her peace, and that no other dog has to meet the same fate.